Exposing McDonald’s “1 in 4” Mass-Marketing Frauds: A Statistical Analysis

Vincent B. Le Corre
Subject: Examples of 1 chance out of 4 with different variables
Date sent: February 10, 2023, 13:11 +0800 (China Standard Time)
Adam Rogalski (Legal Attaché/State Department),
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Edward Lehman
Note: since Assistant Legal Attaché Adam Rogalski told me on 2021-09-20 that he was “one of the FBI representatives,” I assume that this communication was transferred to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Dear Mr. Rogalski,
Some examples, if and only if there are no mistakes in the calculations:
Binomial distribution probability of winning:
Example number 1:
Approximately 1 chance out of 4 with the following variables:
- Number n of successes: 1 or more
- out of 287 Bernoulli trials
- where the result of each Bernoulli trial is true with probability 0.001 (or 1 chance out of 1000 if your prefer, or 0.1%)
Example number 2:
Approximately 1 chance out of 4 with the following variables:
- Number n of successes: 1 or more
- out of 6 Bernoulli trials
- where the result of each Bernoulli trial is true with probability 0.05 (or 1 chance out of 20 if your prefer, or 5%)
Example number 3:
Approximately 1 chance out of 4 with the following variables:
- Number n of successes: exactly 3
- out of 6 Bernoulli trials
- where the result of each Bernoulli trial is true with probability 0.64 (or 1 chance out of 1.5625 if your prefer, or 64%)
Example number 4:
Approximately 1 chance out of 4 with the following variables:
- Number n of successes: 1 or more
- out of 3’000’000’000 Bernoulli trials (3 billion Bernoulli trials)
- where the result of each Bernoulli trial is true with probability 0.0000000001 (or 1 chance out of 10’000’000’000 if your prefer (i.e. 1 chance out of 10 billions), or 0.00000001%)
Mr. Rogalski, I hope you understand that it is possible to make up any numbers you want. It’s really evil. The U.S. government must take down this criminal syndicate.
I just gave you 4 examples. Every time, there is approximately 1 chance out of 4 to win instantly. Yet, the real chances of winning are, respectively:
- 1 chance out of 1000
- 1 chance out of 20
- 1 chance out of 1.5625
- 1 chance out of 10 billions
The U.S. Department of Justice can’t allow such frauds to happen.
“3. Deterrent Effect of Prosecution. Deterrence of criminal conduct, whether it be criminal activity generally or a specific type of criminal conduct, is one of the primary goals of the criminal law. This purpose should be kept in mind, particularly when deciding whether a prosecution is warranted for an offense that appears to be relatively minor; some offenses, although seemingly not of great importance by themselves, if commonly committed would have a substantial cumulative impact on the community.”
It’s one of the biggest fraud in history.
Look at this tweet:
(I attach a screenshot for the record)
Of course they “are killing it in sales & [their] competition”. This criminal syndicate has been on steroids for decades with their pattern of racketeering activity. As of right now, they keep committing the crime of money laundering. This whole criminal enterprise is permeated with dirty money. They would never have been where they are today without all of the crimes they committed, in all impunity, over the last few decades.
McDonald’s Corporation ≈ Lance Armstrong.
Please stop these criminals now. They are hurting competition. They are hurting consumers. They are defrauding even children. Investors are currently being defrauded because McDonald’s Corporation is fully aware since 2015 that they are committing money laundering and they’ve never warned investors.
I am going to alert Homeland Security Investigation and you should do the same on your side.
A couple of days ago, I talked to my father on the phone. He said at some point about Americans, talking about law enforcement:
Americans are incorruptible.
Yes, I believe that. I hope it’s true.
I am counting on you.
But I need you to reply to me.
Yours sincerely,
Vincent Le Corre

To gain a clearer understanding of the sequence of events in this case, I invite you to view a detailed timeline at the following link:
This timeline provides a comprehensive overview of the key milestones and developments.